| OSAMA AWADELKARIM Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Penn State University
Bio Dr. Awadelkarim is Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics and the Associate Director for the Center of Nanotechnology Education and Utilization at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Awadelkarim received his B.S. in Physics from the University of Khartoum, Sudan, and his Ph.D. from Reading University in the UK. Prior to joining Penn State, Dr. Awadelkarim worked as a Research Scientist at Linkoping University and the Swedish Defense Research Establishment. His research interests are in electronic materials, nano/microelectronics, and nano/microelectromechanical systems. Dr. Awadelkarim has authored/coauthored nearly 200 journal articles, book chapters, books, and conference proceedings. He is a recipient of Shell and the University Prizes from the Sudan, and Fellowships from the International Seminars in Physics and Chemistry (Sweden) and the International Center for Theoretical Physics (Italy). State Department Profile Dr. Awadelkarim worked in the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs at the Bureau of African Affairs (AF/PDPA) and the Office of Science and Technology Cooperation in the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES/STC). Dr. Awadelkarim’s assignment in the two offices was to promote interaction and collaboration between African, Arab, and Moslem scientists and scientists in the U.S. He presented talks and seminars at various scientific meetings and workshops in African and Islamic countries and developed a number of science and technology agreements between U.S. government agencies and their African and Islamic counterparts. | Back to the Jefferon Fellows Page